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How Much Do Porcelain Veneers Cost?

how much do porcelain veneers costHow much do porcelain veneers cost? Many patients will ask this question when considering their dental restoration options. There are several different options for covering up imperfection within teeth, and some will cost more than others. But each restoration has different average lifespans, and some will be able to more closely resemble the natural look of your teeth better than others. There are numerous factors to take into consideration when deciding upon a cosmetic fix, and many patients have achieved success with porcelain veneers.

Before you can get your veneers, you will need to schedule a consultation with our dentist to determine if you are a good candidate. One aspect of getting veneers is that a small amount of dental enamel will need to be removed so that the veneers will fit better over the teeth. If you lack sufficient enamel, veneers may not be the best choice, and you will need a different dental restoration. You can also ask our dentist about no-prep veneers, which do not require any enamel to be taken away. Our dentist will also need to perform a dental examination to make sure you do not suffer from any underlying tooth decay or gum disease. If there are health problems with your mouth, they will need to be treated, and this will also factor into your final porcelain veneers cost.

If you qualify for veneers, you will probably then ask the dentist, “How much do porcelain veneers cost?” One factor is whether your veneers are made of porcelain or composite resin. Composite resin tends to be a bit less expensive than porcelain, but porcelain produces much more natural-looking results since porcelain mimics the natural light-reflecting qualities of teeth. Porcelain is also very difficult to stain, so you will enjoy a bright smile for many years.

The number of teeth that require veneers as well as any personal fees from the dentist will factor into your final price. You can also work out a payment plan with our dentist or see if your insurance will cover some or all of the cost. Do not be hesitant to ask, “How much do porcelain veneers cost?” We would be glad to go over the prices with you.

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